
So when I started this blog I anticipated there would more posts, a rapid fire deployment of startlingly wonderful information all about my very own piece of land… Well as I mentioned before, life gets in the way!

The garden is much the same this year although the raised beds have been rebuilt albeit that one is more given over to strawberries now. The mixed hedging put in a couple of years ago has established itself and really could do with a good hack this winter but that may be someone else’s choice as we’re planning a move…

The family has grown again with the addition of little Oscar and frankly we need a bit more running around room! I’d quite like an office again as every time it moves a little person seems to appear and take it as their room. The cheek of some people.

As a consequence the garden has had little done to it this year but I have started to take cuttings or divisions of plants I want to take with us on the move. That said it’s a slow market so we may be in that annoying situation where we’re just waiting to find a buyer for a while. Fingers crossed.

Last October I planted some garlic in bagged topsoil. It was out in the veg patch but not mixed in. Big mistake. New topsoil, at least in this instance, goes like rock! The garlic bulbs didn’t grow and ended up a little disappointing.

It is the least of concerns with the garden to be honest as I’m sure you’ve also noticed a distinct lack of rain this year. Blisteringly hot weather and only one short rain spell in the last few months has destroyed the grass and the borders are looking tatty to say the least. Not one to liberally water the plants anyway but this year the watering cans have really taking a bashing.

Well, fingers crossed we sell up soon and move into a new Surrey garden… Adventure awaits!


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